DSC Releases a New Special Report: Lessons Learned for Remote and Hybrid Learning in COVID-19 and Beyond

In 2019, the Dignity in Schools Campaign released an updated version of our Model Code on Education and Dignity, a comprehensive set of policy recommendations for how schools can create safe and supportive school environments that place students’ human rights at the center, whether we are facing a pandemic, a climate emergency, social uprising, or all of it at the same time as we have experienced in 2020.

This new guide on Lessons Learned for Remote and Hybrid Learning in COVID-19 and Beyond builds off of that work to examine how to apply the human rights principles in our Model Code to learning in the 2020-21 academic year during the COVID-19 pandemic, with some of the specific adaptations that will be required under these circumstances to fully protect the human right to education for all students.

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Download the full special report as a pdf here.

© 2020 Dignity in Schools Campaign. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license