Welcome to the Dignity in Schools Campaign.

DSC Live!

One of the nation’s largest coalitions of education advocates, parents, and activists.

The Chalk Room

Black Love

Originally published here  My dear friend, Laith, handed me a copy of Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People by Imani Perry on Wednesday. I hugged him tight as the gratitude enveloped me with the transfer of such a thoughtful gift. I started the text yesterday, mesmerized – as always […]

New DSC Resource! Check it Out!

We are pleased to announce our newest resource is now available! Check It Out: Dignity in Schools Campaign Pushout Assessment Checklist and Campaign Development Guide  A companion tool to our Model Code on Education and Dignity and our Youth Participatory Action Research Project From 2021-2023 Dignity in Schools Campaign conducted a Youth Participatory Action Research […]

Drew’s Notebook: Houston

I picked up the 15-passenger van in Austin last Monday afternoon. After a bit of hassle, including expert coordination between my office manager and our corporate insurance agent, I was on the road to Houston to gather with comrades from the Dignity in Schools Campaign (DSC). Incredible organizers from Mississippi, Louisiana, and North Carolina came to […]

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• Participate in our annual National Week of Action on School Pushout and Days at the Capitol,

• Join committees to support local grassroots campaigns and federal policy change,

• Attend our Annual Membership Meetings and Convenings to learn from other members and build collective strategies,

• Participate in webinars to build communication skills, learn about human rights and engage in other opportunities for skill-building

and sharing.

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