We are pleased to announce our newest resource is now available!
Check It Out: Dignity in Schools Campaign Pushout Assessment Checklist and Campaign Development Guide
A companion tool to our Model Code on Education and Dignity and our Youth Participatory Action Research Project
From 2021-2023 Dignity in Schools Campaign conducted a Youth Participatory Action Research Project to document the experiences of current high school students. Youth from across the country shared what they saw as the factors that made it more likely that students would be pushed out of school and into the criminal justice system or otherwise denied their opportunity to reach their full potential. We released a video of interviews with these young people, and gathered their recommendations for what kinds of practices make it more likely that a student would be able to stay on a track in school. We documented their thoughts on what factors present in their schools can lead them to the kinds of careers and opportunities they want out of life, rather than sending them on a pipeline to prison.