Our Mission

The Dignity in Schools Campaign challenges the systemic problem of pushout in our nation’s schools and works to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline. As a national coalition, DSC builds power amongst parents, youth, organizers, advocates and educators to transform their own communities, support alternatives to a culture of zero-tolerance, punishment, criminalization and the dismantling of public schools, and fight racism and all forms of oppression. We bring together our members through direct action organizing, public policy advocacy and leadership development to fight for the human right of every young person to a quality education and to be treated with dignity.

Our Vision

We envision a public school system that values students, parents and communities as decision-makers with a fundamental human right to shape their education. In this educational system, schools are safe, healthy and nurturing environments where every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Schools work towards preventing trauma, repairing harm and promoting healing, and reject a culture of punishment and criminalization. Schools provide equitable resources, adopt culturally relevant curricula, and address racism and all forms of oppression. In this educational system, education is a human right. Our schools value the humanity and dignity of all people that is essential for students to succeed. As we build a movement to realize this vision, we see our work as connected to broader movements for social justice and human rights in the United States and globally.

Our Theory of Change

As part of our strategic planning process in 2015, we developed our theory of change that includes our underlying beliefs, our strategies for change, and our long-terms goals to end school pushout and dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline. You can view our theory of change here

What is School Pushout?

School pushout refers to the systemic and often discriminatory practices that lead to students, particularly those from marginalized groups, being pushed out of school through harsh disciplinary policies, school-based arrests, and the use of zero-tolerance discipline policies. School pushout denies students their right to education and dignity. 

Discrimination – Students of color, students with disabilities, LGBTQ+ students, immigrant students, and students from other marginalized communities are pushed out at the highest rates. 

Denial of Human Rights – It is a denial of the human right to education and to be treated with dignity, undermining the potential of young people.

Consequences – School pushout results in lost learning time, increased involvement with the juvenile justice system, and long-term barriers to educational and career success.

Examples of Pushout:

  • Harsh Discipline: Excessive use of suspensions and expulsions for minor infractions.
  • School-Based Arrests: Using law enforcement in schools, leading to students being arrested for actions that should be handled within the school system.
  • Lack of Resources: Schools with limited resources and inadequate support for students, particularly those with disabilities or facing mental health challenges. 

What We Do

  • Advocate for federal policy change to promote alternatives to zero-tolerance discipline, especially through the state-level implementation of ESSA (the Every Student Succeeds Act) and other federal initiatives.
  • Support state and local campaigns by member groups to end pushout and implement positive approaches to school climate and discipline, such as positive behavior supports, restorative practices, conflict resolution and mediation programs.
  • Collectively develop model school policies for school districts and legislators that guarantee fundamental human rights standards for quality education, participation, dignity and freedom from discrimination.
  • Share information on solutions to pushout and strategies for change through our website, tele-conferences, webinars, and national meetings.