Member State Report Cards and District Reports
Here you will find examples of school discipline report cards and district reviews created by members of the Dignity in Schools Campaign. The report cards examine positive developments in school discipline and identify areas that will require significant additional improvement.
Colorado School Discipline Report Card (2015) (Document)
On March 2015 DSC member Padres y Jovenes Unidos in partnership with Advancement Project and Jim Freeman released its second annual Colorado School Discipli
Denver Community Accountability Report Card 2016 (Document)
On April 2016 our member Padres y Jovenes Unidos released their 5th Annual Denver Community Accountability Report Card and awarded Denver Public Schools an overall C+ for the 2014-15 school year.
The Colorado School Discipline Report Card March 2014 (Document)
Padres y Jovenes Unidos in partnership with the Advancement Project and Jim Freeman have released the Colorado School Discipline Report Card where they highlight both the positive developments during the 2012-13 school year and the areas that&nbs
The Ohio School Discipline Report Card (2014) (Document)
On October 2014 Racial Justice NOW! released its first ever statewide school discipline report card. This statewide school discipline report card assigns a grade to school districts, charters schools, and joint vocational schools in the state of Ohio. The grade is determined using data from the Ohio Department of Education- 2013 statistics.
District Reports on Los Angeles (Web Resource)
2012 Health Impact Assessment of School Discipline Policies
Community Asset Development Re-Defining Education (CADRE) released this assessment of Los Angeles, Oakland and Salinas, California school districts
Tools, Guides and Recommendations
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Here you will find Dignity in Schools Campaign member created tools, guides and recommendations. Resources include tools to assess local school district’s discipline policies based on the recommendations by the Federal School Discipline Guidance.
Securing the Education Pipeline for Georgia’s Children through Community-Empowered Local School Councils(Document)
On February 2015, the Georgia Coalition Working to End the School-to-Prison Pipeline, that DSC member Gwinnett SToPP is a part of, released the Securing the Education Pipeline for Georgia’s Children through Community-Empowered Loca
Civil Rights Suspended: An Analysis of New York City Charter School Discipline Policies (Document)
On February 2015 DSC-NY member Advocates for Children of New York released the Civil Rights Suspended: An Analysis of New York City Charter School Discipline Policies report finding that a significant number of City charter schools have discipline policies that fail to meet legal requirements, leadin
Guia de Padre-a-Padre: Justicia Restaurativa en las Escuelas Publicas de Chicago (Document)
Estimados Amigos,
Para la mayoría de nuestros niños, “la disciplina escolar” ha significado ser suspendido o expulsado— empezando tan joven como kindergarten—siendo arrestado, hasta en la primaria—y terminando en las calles o en la cárcel—sin una educación.
Parent to Parent Restorative Justice Guide Updated 2015- English (Document)
Dear Friends,
For too many of our children, “school discipline” has meant getting suspended or expelled—starting as young as kindergarten—being arrested, even in grade school—and ending up on the streets or in jail—without an education.
Campaign Action Plan (Document)
The Youth Justice Coalition has developed a Campaign Action Planning tool to help develop organizing campaigns. The campaign action plan tool includes questions regarding identifying an issue to organize around, identifying campaign goals, allies, tactics, and resources.
Denver Community Accountability Report Card 2016 (Document)
On April 2016 our member Padres y Jovenes Unidos released their 5th Annual Denver Community Accountability Report Card and awarded Denver Public Schools an overall C+ for the 2014-15 school year.
Fix School Discipline Website (Document)
DSC member Public Counsel has created the Fix School Discipline website as a resource for school superintendents, principals, teachers, parents, students, community leaders and organizations and anyone who is interested in learning about how to eliminate harsh, push-out discipline practices and put in place solutions that work for a
Gender Justice Terms and Definitions (Document)
Here you will find a one pager with Gender Justice Terms and Definitions compiled by DSC members S.O.U.L. Sisters Leadership Collective and Power U Center for Social Change. The terms include definitions for gender identity, transgender, and gender justice amongst others.
Restorative Justice Implementation Process Worksheet (Document)
Here you will find a tool created by DSC member Karen Lynn Morton of a Woman of God’s Design that breaks down the stages of a Restorative Justice Implementation process. You can view the tool here.
Restorative Justice Implementation Process Worksheet Spanish (Document)
Here you will find a tool created by DSC member Karen Lynn Morton of a Woman of God’s Design that breaks down the stages of a Restorative Justice Implementation process in Spanish. You can view the tool here.
Restorative Justice One-Pager (Document)
Here you will find a one-pager on Restorative Justice created by DSC members Karen Lynn Morton of a Woman of God’s Design. This resource provides an introduction to restorative justice, successful characteristics of successful restorative practices and the pillars of restorative justice.
Restorative Justice One-Pager Spanish (Document)
Here you will find a Spanish one-pager on Restorative Justice created by DSC members Karen Lynn Morton of a Woman of God’s Design. This resource provides an introduction to restorative justice, successful characteristics of successful restorative practices and the pillars of restorative justice.
School Discipline Assessment of San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) (Document)
Legal Aid of North Carolina’s Advocates for Children’s Services developed a tool to assess local school district’s discipline policies based on the recommendations by the Federal School Discipline Guidance.
Strategies for Parent Engagement- COFI POWERPAC (Document)
Our member COFI/POWERPAC created a Strategies for Parent Engagement guide for Illinois school administrators on how to engage parents in improving school culture and addressing school discipline. The guide is currently being used by school districts across the state as they work to implement SB100 that will go into effect in the fall of 2016.
Zero Tolerance Game of Life (Document)
The Student Advocacy Center of Michigan has developed a Zero Tolerance Game of Life to demonstrate the impact of zero tolerance discipline policies in schools. The interactive game serves as a tool that can educate community members, legislators and advocates on the impact of school pushout.
Bringing A Human Rights Vision to Public Schools: A Training Manual for Organizers (Document)
Produced by NESRI and CADRE, this manual is a resource for advocates, organizers, community members, parents and youth interested in using human rights as a tool for improving public education in the U.S.
Greenville, Mississippi Disciplinary Class Matrix (Document)
Here is a Disciplinary Class Matrix tool created by DSC member organization Citizens for a Better Greenville with the Advancement Project. The matrix tool was created to be used with local student codes of conduct.